Saturday, October 28, 2017

Bigfoots Don't Stink--At Least Not Always

Cryptozoology News suggests Sasquatch mat guide keep a defence forcefulness organization similar to skunks

"In British Columbia as well as Alberta potent smells are mentioned inward alone 4. 5% of reports". --John Green, Spring 1995

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 foul olfactory belongings is frequently associated amongst Bigfoot, pop civilisation has reinforced this stereo type. In the start Anchorman Bigfoot's anatomy is used to describe the nearly foul cologne. Cryptozoology News (CN), although poorly sourced, reminds us that John Green's information points to a pocket-size pct of odor beingness associated amongst Bigfoot encounters. CN continues to propose that Sasquatch similar to skunks may guide keep a defence forcefulness machinery citing examples from doc W. Fahrenbach, a retired biologist from the Oregon Primate Center, as well as Dian Fosey a renowned Gorilla researcher.

Before nosotros post yous Cryptozoology News, nosotros wanted to part John Green's information regarding the odor associated amongst Bigfoot encounters.

It is mutual noesis that sasquatches are reported to guide keep a potent as well as unpleasant smell--in Florida they are commonly called "skunk apes". It is in all likelihood likewise good known, at to the lowest degree to the readers of newsletters, that potent smells are non e'er reported; but is this simply because the witnesses were non inward a seat to olfactory belongings anything, or because sasquatches produce non e'er olfactory belongings bad?

To contribute some information for anyone interested inward this question, hither are the results of an analysis of reports from the western business office of North America that I guide keep entered inward my computer.

In 923 descriptions of supposed sasquatches, alone 72 call a potent smell. Nine call a mild olfactory belongings as well as viii reason specifically that the animals had no smell. Strong smells were mentioned inward less than viii percent of reports. This pct is fairly consistent throughout the American states, percentages being: Washington, 9%; Oregon, 11%; California, 8%, as well as the average for viii other western states, 8.5%.

The pct inward Canada is lower. In British Columbia as well as Alberta potent smells are mentioned inward alone 4. 5% of reports. The position out of descriptions involved, 217, would seem to live on large plenty thus that the unlike pct may guide keep some significance, but it is difficult to imagine what it could be.

Absence of a written report of a potent olfactory belongings patently has no significance if the witness was a skillful distance away or was within a edifice or vehicle. Restricting the survey to reports where it would seem that the witness should guide keep noticed a potent olfactory belongings if 1 was introduce gives the next results.

    In contact amongst the animal:     potent olfactory belongings    5,     mild     0;      no smell,     5.

    Less than v feet away, inward same air:                0,        2,            3.

    Estimated v feet away, inward same air:                4        1            4.
    Estimated 10 feet away, inward same air:              5,        1,            14.

Up to v feet the pct of potent smells, inward 24 reports, is 37.5%.

At 10 feet, inward xx reports, the pct drops to 25%.

With some animals potent smells are associated alone amongst the adult males. Most sasquatch reports produce non involve whatever identification of sex, but it is ordinarily assumed that nearly are males. My files incorporate alone 1 written report inward which a sasquatch is identified every bit a woman mortal as well as said to guide keep a potent smell.

    * Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 unmarried report, that of Albert Ostman, has a disproportionate resultant on the statistics. He claims to guide keep been carried habitation past times an adult virile mortal as well as thus to guide keep been approximately a immature virile mortal as well as a immature female. In conversation, although non inward his written account, he said that the adult virile mortal had a potent smell, the 2 juveniles mild smells. If his concern human relationship is left out the position out of reports of mild smells drops to seven, as well as the pct of potent smells reported" inward British Columbia drops to 4%.

John Green

Spring 1995
You tin read the skunk gland theory at Cryptozology News  



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