Saturday, October 28, 2017

Today inwards Bigfoot History | JAN 27, 1976 | five Tracks Cast Near Snoqualmie River inwards WA

A part of the Snoqualmie River inwards Washington State
We are large fans of the TV serial Twin Peaks. So to discovery out that at that topographic point was whatever activity inwards the Snoqualmie/North Bend area, where Twin Peaks was filmed, perked our interest.

And merely similar Twin Peaks this mystery was non what it seems from the outset. Read the master copy reporting past times the Lewiston Tribune below where a human being claims to receive got shape 5 Bigfoot prints.

Footprints of 'Bigfoot' reported

Lewiston Tribune


Jim French says he was skeptical of reports close Bigfoot, the Northwest's legendary ape-man, until he together with a companion discovered 18-inch long footprints Lord's Day inwards a river sandbank.

"I ever believed it was a bunch of bunk," French, 38, said Mon later he together with Joseph Langston, 33, flora the four-toed, 8 1/2-inch broad indentions close the southward fork of the Snoqualmie River.

French estimated the creature weighed close 400 pounds because of the depth of its prints inwards the sand when compared with his own. French said he weighs close 180.

The animal's size has non been verified past times the scientific community, however.

French said he made 5 plaster casts of the footprints together with he together with Langston flora pilus on about tree limbs along the creature's path.

The pilus was flora close 5 or 6 feet off the ground, he said.

French said he intended to contact University of Washington scientists together with allow them analyze his findings.

His get down reaction Sunday, French said, was that the prints were a hoax.

"I could non believe what I saw," said the veteran outdoorsman. "There was no prove of whatever four-footed marks anywhere."

French together with Langston consulted 3 other outdoorsmen. They concluded the prints were authentic.

"No human being helped me brand those tracks," he said. "Whatever made them, made them past times themselves."

French get down noted the tracks inwards difficult sand. He could come across solely the toe marks together with idea they were from a club-footed elk.

They tracked the creature for a quarter of a mile earlier losing it with loam together with leaves together with hence pasture province where prints of horses together with dogs could live seen.

The creature was moving eastward to westward French said, adding that all the tracks matched the terrain.

Slide marks appeared when the creature was going downhill together with deep indentations were flora when it dug inwards going upward a slope, French said. The measuring lengthened when it loped across apartment ground.

French, a self-employed subcontractor, together with Langston, a lumbermill employe [sic], were using a metallic detector to search for items of value along the river when they flora the prints.
Not everybody was convinced of the evidence. Peter Byrne idea that a flick close Bigfoot playing inwards the same expanse was to coincidental. Check out the clip below.

From the Spokane Daily Chronicle - January 29, 1976 (click to enlarge)



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