Saturday, October 28, 2017

Yahoo Answers: If Bigfoot was Real He Would Attack Humans More Often

How come upwardly bigfoots don't laid on humans more?
"The argue for [bigfoot non beingness real] is because at that spot are no attacks. H5N1 carnivorous community would doubtless abide by it much easier to raid a human household in addition to ship off the inhabitants for food..." --Lord Bearclaw of Gryphon Woods

The homo pictured to the left goes past times the moniker, Lord Bearclaw of Gryphon Woods. Mr. Bearclaw has been providing Yahoo! Answers since Nov 20th 2006. 61% of his 7180 were considered best answers. About a yr agone mortal asked, "is Bigfoot real, or exactly fake?" in addition to par for the class Mr. Bearclaw's extensive answered got voted upwardly equally best answer. While our editorial "bigfoot news" commission at Bigfoot Lunch Club categorically disagrees amongst Mr. Bearclaw, nosotros abide by his respond to a greater extent than novel than most in addition to worth the read. The best purpose of his declaration is if Bigfoot was real, the beast would laid on humans to a greater extent than often. How would fighting against Mr. Bearclaw?

Read his respond to the question, "Is large pes real? Or exactly a fake?"

Bigfoot is non real. For whatsoever species of that size to genuinely be requires shelter, food, in addition to warmth.

H5N1 community of primates has to breed to operate on their existence, in addition to the numbers necessary for species viability prevent whatsoever unmarried pocket-size community of Sasquatch. Such a species would demand to breed inwards monastic tell to keep population levels in addition to to foremost the decease charge per unit of measurement from age, sickness, accidental death, in addition to fifty-fifty homicide.

Such a large community would require massive amounts of nutrient to sustain, in addition to fifty-fifty if they were strictly vegetarian they would strain the resources of whatsoever given expanse inside weeks in addition to would live constantly on the move, foraging in addition to gathering. Yet at that spot is no forensic testify of whatsoever sort of a nomadic primate tribe anywhere. Instead of finding i or ii isolated “footprints” nosotros would guide hold come upwardly across whole trails of Sasquatch prints, in addition to such trails would live stripped completely bare of whatsoever edibles, in addition to would also incorporate piles of droppings in addition to fur samples caught on the trees in addition to bushes.

No such testify has e'er been found. Supposed pilus samples of “unknown origin” guide hold been long held upwardly equally “evidence”, nonetheless I cannot abide by i actual study from whatsoever scientific lab almost such pilus samples.

As for warmth, fifty-fifty a Sasquatch would abide by it hard to rest warm inwards the Pacific Northwest during the rainy seasons. Even a heart temperature drib of exactly 3 to 4 degrees tin lawsuit inwards hypothermia in addition to death. This would hateful that whatsoever sizeable [sic] community would invariably essay shelter of about type during inclement weather, in addition to whatsoever fellow member of the community that died would guide hold i of ii things come about to their corpse: one, they would live left behind where they died, or two, if the community was carnivorous the corpse would but live eaten. However, all stories request that such creatures would live vegetarian or omnivorous at best, in addition to non aggressively carnivorous.

The argue for this is because at that spot are no attacks. H5N1 carnivorous community would doubtless abide by it much easier to raid a human household in addition to ship off the inhabitants for food, peculiarly during winter. Such demeanor would live on par amongst deport learning that it is easier to raid villages in addition to garbage cans than to hunt for themselves. After all, it would live much easier to laid on an isolated household than to run downward deer through snow.

The fact that at that spot are absolutely no corpses constitute agency alone i thing: at that spot are no such things equally Sasquatch. We guide hold already ruled out carnivorous disposal of deceased members, in addition to such creatures would probable non “bury” their dead, equally they could alone dig amongst their hands in addition to whatsoever such “grave” would live shallow at best. Such creatures would non live intelligent past times whatsoever stretch of the imagination, at to the lowest degree non past times human definitions, because fifty-fifty Cro-Magnon homo made in addition to used tools. Yet non i sample of a Stone Age tool has been constitute inwards the woods that isn't an actual relic from the Stone Age, sure aught made inwards the end ii hundred years that wasn't easily identifiable equally having Native American origins. No shovels, no hammers, no axes, no spears. So if they are non intelligent plenty to usage tools, in addition to then they are sure non intelligent plenty to completely conceal their existence or to dispose of their dead inwards such a way equally to prevent regain of the corpse.

With the numbers needed to keep genetic viability of such a community, nutritional requirements, in addition to the demand for shelter equally good equally forensic evidence, it is flat-out impossible that nosotros would non guide hold constitute or captured a living Sasquatch past times this time, peculiarly amongst the sheer seat out of hikers, campers, hunters, ATV enthusiasts, wood rangers, Bigfoot “hunters”, people who alive inwards homes deep inwards the woods, scientists, etc. etc. etc.

There is alone the flimsiest “evidence”, consisting mainly of easily faked photos in addition to video footage, commonly blurry in addition to at a distance, in addition to isolated “prints” i time again easily faked, that are never purpose of an actual trail. Any outdoorsman worth his tabular array salt would abide by it slowly to rails such a large creature, peculiarly considering that inwards monastic tell to guide hold survived all these millennia it would require a large community to keep species viability. SRC: Yahoo Answers
Does Mr. Bearclaw guide hold a proficient argument, create you lot guide hold a counter-argument? 



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