Saturday, October 28, 2017

Dr. Medrum Talks Discovery Channel Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives Pt.2

airing Sunday, June 1 at nine PM ET/PT on the Discovery Channel
"...then of course of report alongside that [academic] awareness in addition to alongside that increased degree of opened upwardly mindedness in addition to interest, in addition to hence I yell back in that place volition endure opportunities to marshal the testify that does exist." -- Dr. Jeff Meldrum

This is Part 2 of our interview alongside Dr. Jeff Meldrum. Click the next link for part i of the interview alongside Dr. Jeff Meldrum. Part i likewise has the consummate good of the interview alongside unedited audio.

The Discovery Channel's 2 hr special, Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives, chronicles American explorer Mike Libecki equally he investigates why nine college students hiked upwardly the icy slopes of the Ural Mountains inward the pump of Russian Federation but never made it out alive. The students' bodies were constitute scattered across the campsite inward 3 distinct groups, some partially naked in addition to alongside foreign injuries including crushed ribs, a fractured skull, in addition to i hiker mutilated alongside her eyes gouged out in addition to natural language removed.

Dr. Jeff Meldrum made himself available to verbalize alongside Bigfoot Lunch Club most the Discovery special. In part i of the interview nosotros discussed the departure betwixt the Himalayan Yeti in addition to Russian Yeti. Here inward the minute one-half of the interview nosotros verbalize most how to define progress inward Bigfoot research. Here is the interview:

GE: So on Dominicus June 1st Russian Yeti The Killer Lives airs on the Discovery Channel, tin john y'all tell us a fiddling chip most your involvement inward that demo is?

JM: Right, yeah good it was primarily from my pike of experience in addition to expertise y'all know that the antidote or the incident described that did the reason for that title, which I had nada to create alongside I’ll orbit a disclaimer correct now, is an intriguing i in addition to I was curious to detect that in that place is quite a cult of a next of this particular even in addition to the diverse theories to what mightiness receive got accounted for the consequence in addition to y'all know the link to the Russian Yeti or Wild Man is a tenuous i at best but it is an intriguing i in addition to y'all know it does heighten this interrogation of create these creatures pose whatever threat to modern humans when they corporation out away from culture into the wilderness y'all know there’s ever the questions that’s raised most sasquatch in addition to its demeanour whether it is a threat whether it is antagonistic or predatory on people in addition to a lot of give-and-take has been has ensued roughly  that  we receive got antidotal testify some of the classic stories similar that Bauman incident shared alongside Teddy Roosevelt.

GE: Right

JM: Ape canyon incident inward both of those particularized incidences the cardinal chemical constituent that is frequently overlooked or downplayed is the antagonism that humans directed towards the alleged creatures initially.

GE: Absolutely, particularly inward the ape canyon incident where they were shot at.

JM: Exactly in addition to they thought they hitting in addition to fifty-fifty a dispatched i that had crumbled over the precipice of the canyon in addition to likewise alongside Bauman they fired at a tall silhouette inward their army camp at nighttime which screamed in addition to ran off. It was alone in addition to hence that the mayhem ensued. So it raises an interesting interrogation what is the human relationship if whatever or did the Native Americans receive got traditions most nipper abduction or of abduction of women or men equally well, hunters going missing for event in addition to it raises that interrogation of create these pose whatever threat to humans or are they but the gentle giants equally are gorillas perceived in addition to fifty-fifty gorillas when antagonized when defending their troop volition for sure endure aggressive in addition to antagonistic inward provide hence I don’t yell back that demeanour would endure extraordinary or out of grapheme for a large primate.

GE: Yeah in addition to I was surprised ‘cause inward monastic tell to  prepare for this interview I did a fiddling chip of enquiry the Dyatlov Pass incident, in addition to I was surprised that in that place was hence much data most this in addition to I had never actually heard most it before.  Some people state these nine college students came to their demise due to a abrupt modify inward the elements or a disaster similar an avalanche. I gauge i of the arguments against these scenarios were the footprints that Pb away from the camp. Did y'all larn a ask chances to await at these or receive got y'all heard most these prints?

JM: Actually I wasn’t made aware of that in addition to I gauge I don’t know if they were documented or non at the time. The alone tenuous link to the wild human that I was aware of in addition to I gauge we’re at freedom to verbalize most it at this betoken was the cameras of the victims were collected in addition to the finally photos were examined in addition to i of those photos appeared to depict a rattling ghostly looking figure, upright figure sort, emerging from the tree line. Unfortunately I did non receive got the chance to attempt that inward particular or to create an analysis of that image. I was shown the film on a fiddling smart telephone covert in addition to it was for sure curious, it was interesting, I don’t know that the character in addition to the content would justify drawing the determination that this mayhem was brought past times a wild human but never less this raises an interesting interrogation what, if anything, was out in that place alongside them in addition to the possibility that footprints had been constitute leading away from the scene mightiness lend some farther acceptance to that thought that hypothesis .

GE: Well I actually appreciate your time; I receive got i finally interrogation if I could. Im kinda curious what y'all would define equally progress inward bigfoot research. What would y'all reckon progress?

JM: Well I yell back the response to that interrogation is going to vary alongside the respondent equally good equally their seat in addition to their capacity to contribute. I yell back curt of person coming inward alongside a trunk or alongside slice of i that is diagnostic in addition to volition in i lawsuit in addition to for all conclusively demonstrate the existence. I yell back in that place are a issue of steps; i that I yell back is rattling of import is the i nosotros eluded to earlier, the catch-up past times the scientific community, the awareness of the testify on its ain merits in addition to its implications for the potential beingness for such species. And in addition to hence of course of report alongside that awareness in addition to alongside that increased degree of opened upwardly mindedness in addition to interest, in addition to hence I yell back in that place volition endure opportunities to marshal the testify that does exist. I experience I am making progress past times bringing the footprint testify to the fore. We are working on getting the virtual footprint archive upwardly this summer. I yell back the Relict Hominoid Inquiry, the scholarly online magazine I’m editing, has gone a long means inward the past times 2 years.  We receive got got a lot of attention, non a lot of high profile attention, but nosotros tin john at nowadays straightaway people to published enquiry that is going on.  We hold to attempt in addition to choose inward qualified people. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of fourth dimension when y'all read most the nature of science, or the epitome shift of research, it takes a modify inward mind-set before a novel concept gains a sort of traction. We are correct at that phase where nosotros are starting to larn a fiddling chip of traction, equally a novel generation of academics comes into position, where they are to a greater extent than aware of the even of Bigfoot.

GE: Dr. Meldrum, every fourth dimension I verbalize to y'all I experience similar the dry reason of bigfoot enquiry is an encouraging one. Thank y'all for your time.

JM: Thank you.

RUSSIAN YETI: THE KILLER LIVES is a 2-hour special airing Sunday, June 1 at nine PM ET/PT on the Discovery Channel.



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